4 Benefits of Using HIFU To Treat Your Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. While there are many treatment options available, HIFU is a new, minimally invasive treatment that is proven to be effective in treating prostate cancer. Learn more about some of the benefits of using HIFU prostate cancer treatment and contact us with any questions you have about our medical procedure! 

Less Invasive With Lower Risk

HIFU stands for “high intensity focused ultrasound.” Since this prostate cancer treatment involves using those focused ultrasound waves to heat and destroy cancerous prostate tissue, it is a less-invasive procedure than many standard treatments for prostate cancer. On top of that, since the treatment is completed using ultrasound waves, there is a lower risk than those associated with more aggressive or invasive treatments.  

Target and Treat Small Amounts of Tissues

HIFU prostate cancer treatment can be used to target and treat small amounts of prostate tissue with high precision. This means that healthy tissue surrounding the prostate is not affected by the treatment. 

Use “Clean” Energy 

On top of providing targeted prostate cancer treatment, HIFU uses “clean” energy. This means that HIFU can be applied repeatedly without causing damage to the other tissues of the prostate, leaving those healthy cells unharmed. 

Shorter Recovery Time and Fewer Side Effects 

Many treatments associated with prostate cancer can leave the patient  with a number of side effects, in addition to requiring a recovery window. HIFU prostate cancer treatment also has a shorter recovery time and fewer side effects than many other prostate cancer treatments.

Learn More About Our Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

There is no single prostate cancer treatment that is right for every man, but HIFU may be a good option if you are looking for a minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment with fewer side effects and a shorter recovery time. Work with the team at HIFU today to learn more about our treatment for prostate cancer


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